In over twenty years of editorial design, there are more projects than I can recall. Here are a few highlights. I’ve chosen them for a variety of reasons, all are dear to me in one way or another. I have worked for several photographic agencies including Agence VU, and Magnum, and many corporate clients including INPI, ALCATEL, RENAULT, PUBLICIS, and clients in the scientific sector with Annual reports for the CNRS and the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris. I have also designed for museums, including the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme or MAJH, for whom I designed the comix exhibitions De Superman au Chat du Rabbin, and their retrospective of Gotlib.
From top to bottom: Aman Iman magazine / Boveri / Molecular Cloning 4th Edition, Cold Spring Harbour Press, NY / CNHI Visual Identity booklet and guide (Cité Nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration), France / Brochures and print from the CNHI visual identity / Book catalogs for the editor Autrement / Publicis Consultants Annual Report / Bioessays, scientific magazine cover art / Renault, Annual Report.
Aman Iman was an experimental art/graphics publication bringing students of design to collaborate with photographers / Boveri was a classic text on mutagenesis / Molecular Cloning is the standard lab manual for molecular biologists, here in its 4th edition / Cité Nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration was a French project to try to reconcile immigration with history in the form of a museographic project on the east side of Paris. I was part of the team designing their documents, stationary, and visual identity / Autrement is a French independent publisher with whom I worked for many years / Publicis consultants – the agency on the Champs Elysees, with its famous “drugstore” – commissioned this Annual report from me / Bioessays was an independent life-sciences journal, then edited by Dr. Adam Wilkins, who commissioned several art pieces from me over the years / Renault commissioned their 1998 Annual report from the agency I was then working for, Inouï Design Room, in Asnières, Paris. We won the competition. I was responsible for art direction and creation.
Design life!